
The school colours are royal blue and grey and it is requested that the children wear:

  • A Combe Down Primary School Sweatshirt/Cardigan
  • White polo shirt/blouse
  • Grey trousers/shorts/skort/skirt/pinafore (or a blue and white gingham dress in warmer weather)
  • Skirts, pinafores and dresses should sit on or below the knee, but not be longer than mid-calf.
  • Grey/white socks or tights
  • Black school shoes or sandals (enclosed toe and heel).
  • Boots are not permitted
  • Plain dark slides, blue or black scrunchies, hair bands or ribbons

All PE kit in a named bag consisting of:

  • White t-shirt (or in your child's PLAIN 'house' colour – no logos)
  • Black/Navy shorts, trainers or plimsolls
  • Black/Navy tracksuit bottoms (for those colder days!)

All children:

  • Sensible coat, of the appropriate thickness for the weather, with hood (preferably plain dark colour)
  • Art Shirts, wellingtons and waterproof coats may be requested on occasions.
  • All children should have a pair of wellingtons and a waterproof coat/trousers available for nature walks, forest school, wet days and playtimes.

Earrings, Jewellery, Hairstyles, Nail Polish and Tattoos (These rules apply to girls and boys.)

  • Children may wear a wristwatch but are not permitted to wear necklaces, charity wristbands or bracelets of any description.
  • In the interests of health and safety, we prefer the children not to wear earrings, but if they do, one pair of studs may be worn in the ear lobe only, one in each ear.  These must be removed or taped up for PE.
  • If your children are having their ears pierced, please do this in the long school holidays.
  • Children are not allowed to have extreme hairstyles. For example, Mohicans, beaded hair extensions, patterns shaved into the hairline, extremes of different lengths (e.g. long top hair with shaved sides or shaved undercuts) dyed hair and highlighted hair. For health and safety reasons hair below shoulder length should be tied back and long fringes clipped back (boys and girls).
  • Children must not wear nail polish, false nails, makeup or tattoos.

The PTA runs an online second-hand uniform shop - please click on this link to visit it.

Donations of good quality clothing are always welcome, particularly plimsolls and football boots.

Please label all uniform with name tapes or indelible pen

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