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Extra Curricular - Clubs
At Combe Down School we want to give everyone the opportunity to join a club - so we've provided lots to choose from! The timetable for this year is here.
Most clubs get filled up very quickly each September and with a wide variety from Dance to Football and Mindfulness to Guitar, it's not surprising! We aim to cater for everyone's likes and enjoyment, but if there is a club that you would like to see happening in the school and it isn't already being run why don't you suggest it to one of the teachers?
Paid For/Free Clubs run by Outside Providers
Please note that these clubs are organised by outside providers. The school helps facilitate these clubs and provides facilities, however, organisers are responsible for all first aid/health and safety, paperwork, collation of data and advising parents/carers about the dates of sessions. Not all clubs run each week: please keep the letter from the club provider detailing the dates the club runs, and ensure you collect your child from school at 3.15pm if their club is not on.
- Fun Science (Y1-6)
- Kwik Cricket, Up and Under (Y3-6)
- Tag Rugby, Get Sported (Y3-6)
- Hockey, Team Bath Buccs (Y3-6)
- Football Club, Get Sported (Y3-4)
- Hockey, Team Bath Buccs (Y1-2)
- Chess Club, Ferdo Dizdarevic (Y2-6)
- Football Club, Get Sported (Y1&2)
- Netball, Get Sported (Y2-4)
- Guitar Workshop, Jimmy Goodrich (Y2-6)
- Kinball, Football, Tag Rugby, Cricket, Athletics, Recreate Sport (Y1-6)
Breakfast/After School Club
Breakfast / After School Club
We do not run our own breakfast / after-school club, but we are affiliated with SuperPirates
Super Pirates at Combe Down School!
Wake up awesome at breakfast club, 7.30am, Monday - Friday
Awesome after school club, runs until 6pm, Monday - Friday
Both clubs will be based in the school hall from September
Visit here for more information and to book sessions now: https://www.superpirates.co.uk/combedown
Holiday Clubs
Holiday Clubs
Below are clubs running in the school holidays. Please contact the providers of these clubs directly. Links to third party information should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.