This Week's News!

11 November 2022

From Mrs Gascoigne:

What a wet week it has been, however, on Wednesday morning the sun shone as we showed another large group of prospective parents around our wonderful school. The pupils in year 6 were amazing ambassadors and our visitors commented how enthusiastic they were about their school. Parents described the school as warm, welcoming natural and colourful. They loved our vision and values and also the focus on mental health and wellbeing for all. Thank you to the parents who prepared and served refreshments during the morning. 

In addition, this week we had huge interest in the Reading Volunteer session led by Mrs Bird. We are so grateful to all who are able to offer this invaluable support to our school. On Wednesday evening there was a PTA meeting where Maple 2 classroom was almost bursting at the seams! There were representatives from every year group and ideas were flowing freely. The plans for the Christmas Fayre were shared and it is clear it is an event not to be missed. Get the date in your diary now. 

This morning children from Year 2, 5 and 6 represented our school at the Remembrance Day parade. We believe it is an important event in our nation and that our school should understand its significance. We have a selection of children’s books that explore Remembrance. We also remember Harry Patch who was a pupil at Combe Down. Our values of Respect and Compassion are being lived out in our actions. 


From Mrs Bird:

I have had the privilege of teaching in the classroom this week and have been captivated by the sheer enjoyment of learning I’ve seen from the children, the dedication and hard work from the staff and the positive, nurturing environments that are being provided.

There is clear collaboration between everybody at Combe Down, both staff and pupils alike. It has been so encouraging to see the teamwork between children, the desire to take on challenge and the resilience in overcoming barriers to be the best versions of themselves academically, socially and emotionally. This makes me incredibly proud of the culture we create together and your support as parents and carers in this has been paramount.

The transition for myself into co-headship has been smooth and made easy by the incredible team I have around me; notably Mrs Gascoigne and the senior leadership team. Being in my eighth year at Combe Down, I appreciate how lucky I am to have the opportunity in this role and to continue supporting you, your children and the community. Exciting times ahead indeed! 

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