This Week's News!

14 October 2022

What another amazing week at Combe Down where we thought about mental health and times tables amongst other things.

There was definitely a feel-good factor this week as we enjoyed team building with James Hodge, team games with Mark Gunning and a session with Lucy from Yogadoo. Friday was our day working with amazing musicians Francis Faux and Maria Garcia. Francis Faux composed a song for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee called, "We Are Every Child." The charity 'Voices for Life' performed the song at Bath Abbey in the summer term and some of our children performed in this superb experience. Exceptional musicians Francis and Maria offered all the children a classical/choral style of singing. Thank you to the PTA for funding this project.

Our Rock Star Day was also part of that well-being vibe. We were so impressed with the costumes and makeup – thank you for all the effort to support this day. Staff at Combe Down really enjoyed getting into role too. Donna Tandy, Palladian Trust CEO, was on site with our Chair of Governors Jerram Bird, for a meeting. Donna was so impressed with the launch of this initiative. I am not sure she had carried out a head teacher appraisal meeting quite like it – yes, I did keep the wig on throughout the meeting! "Finding joy in simple, everyday movements is scientifically proven to help improve overall wellness, including physical and mental health."

As we continue to explore our value of respect this term, I want to highlight our pupils who were splendid tour guides on Tuesday afternoon, when approximately 50 visitors came to see our school. The pupils were amazing ambassadors for the school and conducted themselves at all times with huge respect. Feedback after the visit was really uplifting; comments made centred around the excellent reputation of the school, the Christian ethos, good Ofsted report, traditional aspects such as uniform and forest school. Our school was described as nurturing, happy, welcoming, engaging, values orientated, supportive, child centred, well managed, holistic, a community, approachable and inclusive. We are grateful to our parent helpers from the PTA who were able to talk to the visitors as they served refreshments.

I hope you have a good weekend. We look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday for the final week of term 1 and parent meetings. Do make sure you have made an appointment. Tuesday is face to face meetings and Thursday is online meetings to meet the needs of our school community. 

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