Year 6 Swimming Gala Report

10 February 2023

On Monday 6th February, fourteen year sixes from our school attended a swimming gala held at the Leisure Centre to compete against eleven other schools, in a variety of races.  We swam relays, races, medleys, and a cannon.  In these, we placed second in a couple of events and one of our team members Emily scored first in her backstroke.  In our motorbike relay both the boys and girls came first, however, it was non-scoring so it didn’t go towards our final place.  We interviewed Keziah about her thoughts on the race.

“It was very loud but overall I really enjoyed it.  Even if we didn’t win it was really fun.

We also heard the perspective of Ted, “Firstly it was a great experience.  I got nervous at the start but got used to the noise and the nerves.  On the whole, it was the best swimming event that I’ve raced in”.

Last but not least, Mr Bibby was quoted as saying:

“I think the whole team had a fantastic experience and I’m very proud of everyone’s efforts.  Well done Combe Down!”

Out of 11 schools and at least 144 students, our school came in 6th place! Everyone is very happy about the results and want to do it all over again!

Report by Bea M and Rowan E, Year 6

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